Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1st Week in Athens!

Unfortunately, I think I'm coming down with something so I'm not currently feeling up to par, but it's been over a week since I've blogged and I've been in Athens for a week now so I figured it's time for some updates!

By the way, due to my lack-of updates, this will be somewhat scattered and long. Bear (bare?) with me. I'm hoping to blog more in the future so those will make more sense...Maybe

So what has living in Athens been like you ask? I shall tell you in a list!

1. We traveled, and traveled, and traveled some more until we got here last Tuesday around 2:30pm Athens time. Flying 3 times in 3 days was no easy task for this girl who's only plane experience was flying to Dallas in high school. Jet lag kicked in right around my flight from Germany to Athens because I couldn't fall asleep on the 8 hour flight from Chicago to Germany. But, I thankfully made it until 9pm Athens time so I didn't really suffer from real jet lag.

2. We've done a lot of exploring! Heck, we constantly explore the city. Athens is huge, and every time I think I've figured something out, I quickly get confused and am reminded I have no idea what I'm doing and am so thankful for the fact that almost everyone else does.

Side note: I'm almost confident that I know how to work public transportation but I'm not 100% sure.

3. Mars Hill is super close to our hostel and we've been there three times. Wondering what Mars Hill is? Apostle Paul SPOKE there. Read Acts 17. The first time we were there was daytime and one of the STINTers (long-term missionaries/people in charge of us) gave a devo on Acts 17 while we were up there. It's so amazing, to me, that so much from the Bible actually happened here!

The other two times we were there were at night and we had sketchy/weird (don't freak out mom) experiences there BOTH TIMES. Thank God for giving us men that actually enjoy hanging out with all of us girls after dark and help keep us safe. Lol

4. The food is fabulous. There has only been one meal I haven't liked and that was when I decided to get a "Boston Burger." Everything Greek is delicious and I'm officially addicted to Gyros.

5. We went to the beach on Saturday and it was so much fun!! I got unbearably sunburned from it, but swimming in the Mediterranean Sea was well worth it (depending on how much longer I'm in sunburn pain). I'd also like to add that the Mediterranean has zero sharks and/or seaweed which makes me love it when I'm not accidentally swallowing the crazy salty water.

6. We started going on campus yesterday! I have a great group of teammates and I'm feeling very blessed to have them with me. It's a great experience to meet Greek students and struggle with understanding each other's languages while really engaging in each other. It's been super outside of my comfort zone, but I'm proud to say that not only have I initiated conversations but I have participated as well!

7. The love I feel for my GPI team (the people on project with me) is unreal! I have only physically known these people for 10 days but it feels like I've known them for so much longer! They are so willing to be vulnerable with me, as well as let me be vulnerable with them and I'm just so appreciative of that. I'm so proud to call each and every one of them my friends. They will forever be my Cru region, and we're already talking about flying me out to Colorado for DCC (their winter conference) and keeping me a part of the group!

8. We got the chance to help out with Hellenic Ministries last night and will have one more opportunity in a couple weeks. Hellenic Ministries is an organization that gives food, showers, laundry, etc to refugees coming from all over the place that are just stuck here in Greece waiting to make their next move. The organization shares the Gospel and hold camps for these refugees as well. We were fortunate enough to serve what they call Love Meals to refugees and it was such a great experience. It really put a lot into perspective for me.

One of my favorite moments had to be when I was chosen to go clean the bathrooms. I was mortified. I had actually remembered hearing them say the other group had to do it and snickering to myself because I was so happy I didn't have to. (ha.) Well, the man who assigned the job to me was joking about me being blessed for cleaning the bathrooms and another told me that God was in there with me so I started telling myself, "you need to thank God for giving you this opportunity to clean toilets right now." It didn't take long before I truly was thanking and praising God for giving me the PRIVILEGE of doing this for these refugees who so badly needed to be served.

I think that's about it for my first week in Athens.

God is really working in my life here and I'm feeling so incredibly grateful for the group He's brought me here with, the love and relationship He's showing me and helping me build with Him, and the things He's doing here in Athens.

I know I keep saying this, but people, God is good!

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