Sunday, May 20, 2012

this trip has officially begun!

Summer Project is here! It's begun! And to be honest, it's already been kind of a roller coaster of emotions for me.

I got into Chicago (where I'm currently residing) around 12:30 central time yesterday, but an important part of my story starts before that..

My flight was scheduled for 6:45am PST and I was ready. Had a small ripped pants mishap (yep. It happened. Right in the front), but I was good to go! Saying good bye to Tommy was awful, of course, but I knew that one was coming. I made my way through security and found a familiar green coffee shop to get some breakfast. I sat down at my gate, ate my banana, sent Tommy a goofy picture of me drinking my iced coffee and waited to board.

Then it hits me. Holy crap, if I get on this plane I can't chicken out. This isn't some spontaneous idea anymore. This is happening.

I can't do this.

Cue waterworks and phone call to Tommy.

After some consoling, I got on that plane and made it but then I got here and met all of my teammates (wonderful people, by the way) and it starts hitting me again.

Oh my gosh I can't chicken out now. I can't go home for 6 weeks!! Why am I here? Why am I doing this?

I can't do it.

I was afraid. Afraid of the unknown. The enemy keeps trying to put thoughts in my mind and get me to think that God's will (me going to Greece) is a bad idea. I read a verse on the plane yesterday and am so glad I wrote it in my journal because it's already come in handy so much for me on this trip

"In love there is no room for fear, but perfect love drives out fear: because fear implies punishment, and no one who is afraid has come to perfection in love." 1 John 4:18

I mean, come on! I'm following God's will for my life! And no matter how great it would feel to be at home, in the safety and comfort of my little Clovis bubble, I have no reason to be afraid! I may not be able to do this myself, but through Christ, I CAN and I WILL!

Today was a much better day. It's been so much easier to see how perfect God's will is, and how beautifully He orchestrated not only my journey here, but of my teammates as well. The only words I can think of to say is that God is good.

I am encouraged by my new friends here on this journey to Athens with me, I am encouraged by my support back home, and I am encouraged by God's love and His ability to cast out all fear in my heart and by His complete power over the enemy.

The trip has begun, and I think I'm finally beginning to consistently feel a bit more positive about it.

But everything is good! And it's gonna get greater! I'm so excited for what this summer holds for me, the people I meet, the people I have met, and for those waiting for me in Clovis.

Please pray that I continue to fight the attacks, and that I grow more confident in my obedience to the Lord.


P.S I probably won't blog for a few days because I'm in for a lot of traveling/jet lag fighting tomorrow and Tuesday. Should be fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you Tayler! You have LOTS of people praying for you! Keep your journal close, and God even closer!
