Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I don't know about you, but I really dislike coming home feeling defeated.
I know it comes with the territory, but when it's two days in a row of feeling defeated by ministry I can't help but feel kind of.... Eh.

God didn't promise us an easy life, and giving Him control is honestly really uncomfortable. But what it does give us is an overpowering joy and love from an almighty and unconditionally loving God which in turn is the ultimate comfort.

Even if we aren't feeling like we're doing our best His love never wavers. It never fails.

There will always be defeats, and there will always be victories.
There will always be kids who fall away, and there will always be kids who want to know more.

I guess that's what I'll choose to focus on as I go to bed.
But I will always pray for those defeats, those fallen away kids, and those struggles that still get in the way of God's ministry in my life.

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