Monday, June 4, 2012

Being Sick in Greece

*WARNING* This post might come off somewhat like a rant and complaining post, which it kind of is, but hey you wanted to know about Greece!

Okay, so it's Monday night. My team is currently out to dinner while I sit in my room and try not to get sick. My sickness is playing mind tricks with me because it makes me believe I'm better so I eat and... BAM! Can't keep it down.

Let's go back and look at what my almost-week of sickness has been like

Tuesday night I felt super nauseous and like I was going to faint so I went to bed fairly early.

Wednesday morning I wake up feeling the same only add a murderous headache that makes my eyes hurts. I don't like to believe I'm sick so I go to the Steki for development time and, though I'm still feeling kind of iffy, I head for campus around 1pm. We get there and walk around, have a conversation and I am just SILENT (which is not normal). I feel horrible so I decide I'm going to go back to the hostel (and miss coffee time. Grrrrr...) and rest for the day. The way back to the hostel was an adventure in and of itself because I couldn't breath. Ah, yes, the feeling of an elephant on your chest and that your airways are slowly starting to close off on you while you stand in a crowded bus in a foreign country where you are very afraid you might be the only one who knows CPR (which obviously won't come in handy since I can't perform it on myself). But I made it to the hostel! You'd think "fun" time is over, but then, like Hell itself, came the fever of all fevers. I mean, really? I haven't had a fever like this in I don't even know how long. I slept off and on all day until the group came back, took some Tylenol PM and then I was out!

Woke up Thursday feeling like ca-ca and stayed home all day. Slept half the day, struggled with fevers even worse than the day before, and somehow managed to walk down the street in my feverish state and buy a Powerade (wasn't cute but I wasn't about to care). Finally started to feel decent and was so hungry by the time everyone else got back that I went to dinner with them all. That was a mistake because (surprise, surprise) it made me sick

Friday-Saturday I was supposed to go to a camp owned by an organization we periodically help out down here and help them prepare for the coming months of campers and camps being put on. While my team left at 8am, I said good bye from my bed as I was still too sick to move. This was getting ridiculous. When I finally got the strength to move, I walked to my director's room to tell her I had stayed and about 5 minutes into our conversation I quickly made my way to her bathroom to well, as I most commonly hear around here, up-chuck. That was lovely. So up until Saturday afternoon was just a bunch of waiting to be sick, getting sick, wanting to die from my headaches, breakdowns, and trash MTV Greece. (At least my fevers were gone)

But by Saturday night I actually ate food.. And kept it down. It wasn't much, but I had kept it DOWN!

Sunday and today have been back and forth for me. My headaches are subsiding and I'm actually craving food again. But, if I eat anything that isn't easy to digest (which I obviously keep making mistakes) it comes right back up. I

I'm pretty much at the point where I just want to eat whatever because at least I'll enjoy it! That obviously won't happen, but really. We had McDonalds last night, and I was DYING for a Big Mac (Instead I had apples.. And sprite)

So physically I'm not doing my best, but I'm moving around! I even survived the hike to and from the Acropolis this morning! It was absolutely beautiful and I am so happy I went!

Emotionally it's been a hard week too. I mean, I've been sick! In a foreign country. And none of it makes sense. And I don't know when it's finally going to end. And I feel like I'm missing out on so much.

BUT! (And this is really why this post even matters) I have had some awesome time with God. Not just alone time while reading my Bible, but this week has honestly been something I've never had to deal with and it's put me at my lowest here. But learning how to praise God, and worship God through all of this has been really kind of cool. Knowing that I just have to endure through this, has been such a wonderful experience (though seemingly terrible at times).

I don't know! I'm still just all about the whole "God is good!" thing that I keep talking about. :)

Off to movie night where I will not be touching food!

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