Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Blog Brought To You From...

My new room!

So how's life been?
Pretty fan-flippin-tastic, if I do say so myself.

1. My house!
I've been here since Friday, and although I call my room 'the prison cell,' I really like it. It's nice and cozy, and I can't wait to make it even cozier as I begin to bring more stuff over :) Speaking of that, I still have far too much to bring over. Luckily, we have the doll house for another 12 days, and I have 5 days off this week (yeah, I know, weird, but I think that's God's way of giving me some time to actually move for an entire day). It's an awesome house, complete with a park around the corner from my house WITH SWINGS!! Plus, I like being able to leave for church 5 minutes before it starts and still being on time :P

2. Me time!
It's baaaccckkkk! After work on Wednesday, I went to Panera and read Matthew while eating delicious food. "Me time" keeps me from going insane... SERIOUSLY.

3. Biola!!!
I'm living on a very small budget until I leave, but I know it'll be worth it. I'm known for using exact change whenever I can, but I have gotten rid of that habit in order to save every bit of change I get to put in my "Biola fund" (also known as my kitty bank). I get paid on Friday, and once I get my paycheck, I'm sending off my deposits for housing and tuition! Eeeek! So exciting :)

Remember the blog about letting go? So far so good. I mean, I've taken about 5 steps forward, and 2 steps back, but it's growth and that's what matters :)

So my week is going to be insane: Work, [more] moving, Jr. High group, Beauty and the Beast (maybe?), SLO to see Mae!!, [more and more] moving, unpacking, decorating my room, a wee bit more of working, and then hopefully by Sunday, I can treat it as the Sabbath, keeping it holy by resting :)

--->My only apprehension is money, though. Can I really afford to see Beauty and the Beast and Mae on the week that I'm supposed to send $550 to Biola?? Hmmm... Only a few more days to decide!

Okay, now I'm off to college group to see my studly friends after their not-so-studly dodgeball performance today. Just kidding! They were my favorite to watch... even if Jordan was only wearing little baby shorts. *gags* :P

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