Monday, November 15, 2010

A Day of Beauty, Peace, Friends, and God

I'm not sure that I've ever been so excited to share a day I've had, or the feelings I felt. There were two main events from yesterday that I would love nothing more than to blog about..

Yesterday morning, while greeting fellow church goers, I felt the voice of God. Not too long ago, I read a blog about an assignment given to this guy where he had to go sit somewhere quiet for a few hours and just listen to God.. I was intrigued, and kind of confused. How is it possible to get your mind off of the world long enough to just listen to God? What do I need to do to experience that? Such questions like that shouldn't need to be asked, but because I'm such a stressful person, and my mind is always wandering, I can almost never keep my mind off of life for very long. Anyway, I had an area where not many people park at church, and was alone for the majority of the 20 minutes I was out there. All of a sudden, I just felt peaceful and so connected to the Lord. I'm not ashamed to admit that I felt the breeze flowing through the trees was a helpful reminder that He truly was right there with me. I just remember thinking not only how beautiful it was to be having a one-on-one with God before I even went into church to worship and praise him for an hour and fifteen minutes, but how beautiful the world He made truly was. I prayed, and soaked it all in, and left my one-on-one genuinely moved by the holy spirit in that small time I had in between arrivals.

Last night, instead of the usual college group message, we switched it up and had a bonfire at the beautiful house owned by the Randalls. Well, the house's beauty is indescribable (I was literally taken aback at how wonderful it was, and how honored I was to be able to just be a guest in it), which was the perfect scene. It started out as a night of smore's, hot chocolate, tours of the house, and laughter about "ambers," but once we settled down Jordan grabbed his guitar and we started to worship. Let me tell you, there is no better worship, in my opinion, than worship at a bonfire. There was no shame as we sang some of my personal favorite worship songs. I felt so connected to the people around me and it was so wonderful to share this moment with them. After worship, Mark Randall brought down his guitar and we had a little "jam session" consisting of songs from The Cure, The Beatles, Colbie Caillat, and others. I sat in my chair, buried under a blanket, and just looked around in awe at how blessed I am, and thought "I could do this everyday for the rest of my life." I thought about my day, and how peaceful it had been. I thanked the Lord, and continued to listen to my FRIENDS singing and playing guitars.

These people I spend every Sunday evening with aren't just my "church friends," they're more than that. As Ryan Royer said last night, it was a BOND fire, and I look forward to seeing each and every one of them weekly. Sunday's truly are my favorite day of the week

As I finish this blog, I'm wandering back to the three feelings I felt yesterday...

Peaceful. Beautiful. Blessed.

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