Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sheet Curtains!

In an effort to make my new room presentable for Thanksgiving, I worked for a few hours yesterday on my room.

Guess what I did..
Made curtains out of a bed sheet!

Because I don't have much wiggle room financially, with Biola tuition and Christmas coming up, my mom told me she saw the idea on TV and I gave it a try. It's really easy to do, and you don't even have to sew! (Unless you'd prefer it :P). And, it ends up looking like real curtains, promise :)

1. Take a sheet (Mine was just a twin size) and fold it length-wise. Think 'hot dog' if you're used to elementary school folding terms :)
2. Cut down the entire fold so you have two identical pieces
3. Take out the hem on the top part of the sheet (The part that folds over)
4. Put up, and pull back with a ribbon (Or whatever. I just used a black ribbon because I didn't want to buy anything)


That really is all I had to do. Obviously, you can sew the side that was cut, but for those of us who can't sew to save our lives, it still turns out pretty well without a new hem :)

I'm falling in love with my room! I can't wait to see it when's it's finished :)

Thanksgiving's coming up! I'm excited to see my family, and I'm trying to be thankful on more days than Thursday... Look at what you have, and compare it to people in a 3rd world country. I guarantee you'll feel silly for having so many wants. I know I did!

It's Davis' birthday today! Bon fire at Austin's.. Can't wait for yummy smore's, friends, and rain!!


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