Saturday, August 4, 2012

guess who's in KC!

Oh how God has been pouring out the blessings since I last blogged. The move actually came through, and I am officially living in Kansas City, Missouri with my sweet sweet friend Rachel.

After a long (but really great) 3 days of driving, my unbelievably selfless friend Steven (who flew from Missouri to Long Beach just to help me drive/move, by the way) and I made it to KC around 8:30pm on Wednesday. I am in LOVE with this place!

This move has left me in absolute awe of God's provision. Like, who would have thought I'd end up here? In Missouri. With tornadoes. And even worse... BUGS. Heck, even when I was planning to move out here I still had doubts and wondered if this would actually work out. But here I am! And God hasn't left my side for a second. It's been amazing to see all of the fruit of the work He was doing during those few weeks of struggle leading up to this transition being revealed consistently throughout the entire week. Boy oh boy were the struggles worth it!

I begin my new, but familiar, job at Starbucks on Tuesday and I cannot wait to be completely settled in to this place. God is working hard to help me make this place my home, and I am just so grateful for it all!

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