Tuesday, August 21, 2012

life updates...

1. My new Starbucks store is awesome! I loved my old store, but I must say it's a nice breath of fresh air being in a cafe store.. No more haunting "beep" in my ear all day.

2. Residency for Missouri is crazy. Granted, it's all really doable and I'll have no problem getting it all done, but I feel like I'm selling my soul to the state! It's definitely still something I want to do, but I'm obviously emotionally attached to the state of California and I'm saving things on the residency checklist like getting a Missouri license and registering to vote in the state of Missouri for later on in the year.

3. I'm absolutely, 100% obsessed with How I Met Your Mother. WHY did I wait so long to watch this show?! Also, I don't have internet so if I want to watch it on Netflix I have to go to a coffee shop.. Duh I do it. No shame.

4. Today I decided it was hot.. Hey Fresno, it's only 90 degrees. Go ahead and hate me all you want

5. I miss my friends at home SO incredibly much but I love my friends here a lot!!

6. Being a real adult is really exciting to me. Having to budget in gas, groceries, and everything I else I spend is challenging but I just love it!

7. I bought the most amazing mattress and every time I get on my bed I immediately sink in and "hang out" (aka cat nap) for a little bit

8. I really miss my kitties. I really miss kitties in general!! I have 1 roommate who loves cats.. If only I could somehow find a cat and take it and make it my own..

9. My allergies are absolutely killing me here. I have no idea why, either. I lived in FRESNO. Like, really? I didn't know it could get worse than that but it has. I constantly want to scratch my face off.

10. God is really moving and changing me. It's sad to feel like I've left a life I used to love, but I know God is maturing me in more way than I can imagine. I'm finally building a legit discipline in spending time with Him and I'm extremely grateful for the accountability I'm experiencing here in Missouri as well as back in California.

My life, in a nutshell... I think :)

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