Sunday, April 29, 2012

Famine 2012

Ahhh another Famine has come and gone and I honestly couldn't be happier that it's over with.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, last year we put on our very first 24 hour famine, where we got youth kids to fast for 24 hours and raise money for World Vision (a well-known Christian organization who's ministry is helping those in need, sponsoring children/villages and educating people on the very real hunger issue in the world).

So last year was great! And this year we decided to up the ante and go for a full 30 hour famine to coincide with the national event. I was way pumped about it because of the great feedback I got from last year's event, but boy it was awful timing.

Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of papers, tests, speeches, wrapping up work schedules, beginning new work schedules, preparing for Greece, and every bit of life in between so I found it not just so incredibly hard to find time to work on the event, but to actually find the energy deep (and I mean deep) within my body to devote to planning.

Believe me, nothing proves to you what kind of God-send your boyfriend is until he has to deal with the absolute mess you've been the couple weeks before such a big event. But that's a whole different blog post on it's own :)

So I was a mess, an absolute, literal, MESS.

I prayed. And prayed. And prayed oh so much more.

And somehow, someway, this event came together and was a success!

My point of this is that THE EVENT WAS NOT MINE, and the way it unfolded was an obvious example as to why. Me, on my own, had no way of getting something so huge pulled together in time and for it to be so great. God was moving! His hand was on the event the entire time.

It's funny because the whole week before when I was praying, I kept thinking, "Hello?! God? I'm been praying to you for [x] amount of days now! Why am I still too exhausted to do this dang thing?!" (Because yes, I very much disliked the famine last week). All I needed to do was be faithful, because God was working and I just couldn't see or control it. Friday and Saturday, however, His work was obvious.

Kids were changed! That was probably my favorite part. There were times when I was completely taken aback and just could not believe I was fortunate enough to see my kids that I love so much growing so much in the short amount of time I saw them for.

And I was changed. I came home mentally and physically exhausted, but encouraged by my students and inspired to not take my food (or anything else for that matter) for granted.

So I can check the famine off of my long list of things to do before I leave for Greece (which is 19 days, by the way) and praise Jesus for the work He did in my life over the past few days in order to help further His kingdom and grow His children!

P.S. Thank you so much to all of my friends that helped lead this thing and planned a good chunk of it as well! I couldn't have done it without you his either! Love you so so much!

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