Thursday, April 12, 2012

Endings and Beginnings!

My time at Starbucks is approaching it's end. A month from now, on May 12th, I will have my last shift at Starbucks.. And if it goes as planned, I will not be going back.

And I'm scared.

Why the heck am I leaving this awesome job, with awesome people, with awesome steadiness, and awesome benefits? (Are you tired of the word awesome yet?)

Because God is calling me somewhere else.

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I was offered a cheer coaching position (yikes) at Reyburn Intermediate and I took it knowing full well I didn't have the time to do that, intern, work at Starbucks, go to school, and not be a zombie.

But I really, honestly knew that God was calling me there. It's a really great opportunity that can hopefully one day open doors for me, considering I want to be a teacher. Plus, my ministry is serving jr. high and high school students and this is one more way for me to do that!

So with all of that being said, I had to figure out what was most important to me.. My passions/callings in life, or money.

Needless to say, I went with the first option.

I'm taking a huge pay cut, I don't know if I'm going to be able to pay my bills every month, and all that good stuff. But I know I'm going to be happier (not that Starbucks wasn't a happy place. You just obviously enjoy what you're passionate about more) and that fruit will come out of this decision!

I'm making a huge step in faith, and sometimes I get really close to chickening out. But I've made my decision and letting God control my life, not me... Even though sometimes it's really scary and doesn't always make sense at first.

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