Monday, January 24, 2011

"The Grass Is Always Greener Where You Water It"

*All credit for the title of this blog goes to Stephen Morales.

So I'm just going to come right out and say it; I'm not going to Biola tomorrow, I'm not moving in on Wednesday, and I'm not starting classes on Monday.

I made the decision yesterday to stay home, and I'm 100% happy about it!

Let me explain..
If you know me, you know I love youth ministry and would love to be a youth pastor at some point in my life. I've been helping out at youth group since the end of summer, and have really grown to love the kids.. Last weekend, I got a last-minute invite to be a counselor at Jr. High's winter camp. I said yes, fully aware of all of the things I needed to do with Biola, but there was no question in my mind; I was going. What a perfect way to say good bye to some of the kids! At least, that's what I thought.

After being completely surrounded by jr. highers and youth pastors for only a day, I had a sudden change of heart. I realized that not only do I not want to leave Fresno, but I actually think I'm SUPPOSED to stay here.

Sugar Pine wasn't the "perfect good bye" that I thought it would be, it was the one thing that would finally get me to see that I still have room to grow here at home... In youth ministry

That is where God wants me right now.

But why in Fresno when I can major in Children's Ministries at Biola? Because there is no one I'd rather have as my mentor than Stephen Morales, there is no church I'd rather grow in than CCF, and there are no kids I'd rather teach, and be taught from, than the kids I spent last weekend with.

After talking to Stephen, it's been decided that I will be like an unofficial intern to him. I will help with lessons, administrative work, devotionals, and anything else he throws my way while teaching me the ropes of youth ministry. I think there's even going to be a syllabus involved. Haha :)

Unfortunately, I will be taking another semester off due to it being so late in the semester. I postponed my acceptance for Biola until the fall '11 semester, so it's possible that I might be going then, but I'm already leaning towards going to City College for my GE, and then transferring to a Christian College afterward. Depending on where I am then, that school might be Biola, but it very well might be Fresno Pacific.. I'm trying not to think that far in advanced, though.

I'm still technically a Starbuck's partner, but I only have a couple more weeks to find a store to transfer to. I would absolutely LOVE to be picked back up at my store, but I'm completely aware of the slim chance of that happening. I'm looking into other stores around the Fresno/Clovis area, as well. I need to be working, but I don't want to work any more than 20 hours a week. I want to put most of my time and energy into this opportunity.

I just gave up an AMAZING school to stay in Fresno and not be in school for another semester, but there is not a single part of me that's sad, or regretting it!! I am so incredibly excited for this amazing opportunity, that I honestly just can't contain myself. I cannot wait to learn amazing things from Stephen, help out CCF, continue making breakthroughs with the jr. highers, and glorify God! I think this is going to be such an amazing opportunity and I just can't wait to get started! I think Stephen and I will make a great team, and maybe someday I'll have soaked up enough to be a youth pastor all on my own!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and been just about as excited as I am, thank you Stephen Morales for being so great and making my idea reality, and thank you God for making my rash decisions the best decisions of all :)

**UPDATE 1/25: This might seem like a crazy idea, but that's why I'm so happy I'm doing it! This is the next step in me completely surrendering to God. Even though Biola would be a sacrifice financially, staying home is a big sacrifice in so many more ways, but I know that God is bigger than these things, and I fully trust that He knows what He's doing. I'm willing to take this huge risk in order to glorify Him, and grow closer with Him here.

1 comment:

  1. Tayler Finch... you are truly amazing! You made me sound too good, which i am not and you will honestly bless me just as much if not more!
