Friday, January 14, 2011

Crazy, Unbelievably REAL, Love!

"After reading Crazy Love, I have learned enough to cause me to look at life differently. By life, I mean Christ. I want to be so in love with God that I do things that the American church would call "radical" or even "crazy." I want to have so much faith in my Creator that I would give up things in my life in order to further the Kingdom without even thinking twice. THAT is what the Bible calls us to do, but we get so comfortable on earth that we forget about that, and God. My life has already been moved by the Holy Spirit in the three days it took me to read the book, and I pray that the Spirit continues to move me in ways that will further the Kingdom of Go, and bring me closer to HIM!"

----> I wrote that on Sunday at college group. Since then, I really have been thinking about going down to L.A. jobless. My amazing manager gave me an extra week to find another store, and as grateful as I am to have this opportunity, I can't help but want to say no. I could grow SO MUCH closer to God by giving up my comfortable job, with steady pay and benefits. By having to completely, 100%, rely on God's faithfulness I could go down there with no job, in a city where I know 3 people, at a school that is far too expensive for my family and me, and I know that God will provide for me no matter how risky it may be.

Isn't it so true that when times are tough you feel so much closer to God??

That's the kind of crazy, radical love I should have for our Lord! The kind where I give up comfort, and stability, just to be closer to Him!

I'd do it for a spouse, so why shouldn't I do it for my Lord and Savior?

I HIGHLY encourage that everyone reads Crazy Love.
(The front cover isn't kidding when it says it'll change your life.)

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