Saturday, January 1, 2011

If There's No One Beside You, When Your Soul Embarks..

Currently listening to: I'll Follow You Into The Dark
(by the lovely Death Cab for Cutie.)

It's the first day of 2011. Wait, 2010 is Over?! I honestly feel this holiday season went by without me even being aware that it was happening. I've been so busy that it all just flew by!

With that being said, the best year of my life (so far) is over and done with. With both the good and the bad, I couldn't be more happy with the events of the year behind us, or more excited for the year ahead.

A Summary of 2010..
Bowling, iPod/iTunes references, New Year's with Catchprase then staying up until 6:30 am, staying awake at Austin's until 4 am EVERY night, Teazer runs with Kasey, Parachute, one Teazer run in particular, Jesus, Death Cab, SLO trip in the pouring rain, ruined boots, the original 6, the Tank game, Oka, confusing futures, the nasty dirty Tempurpedic mattress, Pismo girl trip, After church Panera lunches, MBS shows, Valentine's Day bike ride to the Lavagnino's, totaling Toby on the way to SLO trip #2, Vikki keeping Kasey's Birthday Weekend Extravaganza everything it was supposed to be, job hunting, 6 Flags with Jordan and Tommy, coming home from Hollywood with literally nothing to mine and Jordan's names, Voodoo Hannah Montana, new music, spring break in SLO, A Day Without Shoes, mud volleyball, just blow soams daddy chunks like a boss, becoming a Barista, trouble at home, Kasey's grad, Mexico, SWC, Ikea, Red Airplanes, Bonfire Voyage, SLO trip #4,5,6, Jr. High Group, Mae, moving, the good ole' days, Disneyland trip #1, my birthday, applying to Biola, Disneyland trip #2 with the Fast's, movie nights, meowing, Practically Perfect Halloween, Biola acceptance, In N Out, Christmas '10, New Year's at the Herrick's...

Most importantly, I realized that I have the most amazing group of people in my life. God has really blessed me with great company. These are tight-knit friendships that I know are here to stay. Even though we are all coming into our own as different people, this last year has bonded us in a way that I know can't be broken.

All I have to say to 2011 is you have a lot to live up to. I can't wait to see what you have in store :)

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