Sunday, October 10, 2010

Just Another Birthday?

There once was a little girl who absolutely adored her birthday. She had always been younger than most of the kids her age, so she treated her birthday as a celebration of FINALLY catching up with the other kids. She turned 13 on a Tuesday in 8th grade. As the school day progressed, she realized everyone forgot her birthday.. There was no one to celebrate this catch-up with her... Not even the girls who she thought were her best friends.

That little girl was me.

If you've always wondered why I get excited about my birthdays, and talk about it for weeks in advance, that story above is why. I don't do it for attention (as much as I may like the attention given), I do it because of the pain that Tuesday caused. Eighth grade was a year full of brokenness and confusion, and the forgotten birthday was just the beginning.

I don't explain this story for you to feel sorry for me, my only request is that you just humor me as my birthday approaches, because underneath all of this "excitement" is actually the fear that it will be just another birthday where I'm the only one who remembers.

I [finally] turn 19 in two days, and I already feel like my birthday has been a celebration. Blessed doesn't even begin to explain how I feel.

Thank you SO much God for the kindness you provide my life with day after day.


  1. I always remember birthdays, because I hate when people don't remember mine. That's really sad. :(

  2. hey taylerrr..
    okayy so wow.. i feel like crap.. you were sooo sweet to be the first one to text me on my birthday and it was really nice.. i can't lie in saying that yours slipped my mind, even when i knew and thought about how it was coming.. i'm not trying to make excuses, but i don't have a phone right now to text you! i figure this blog comment will have to do, rahmon told me you had a blog and i totally found it by internet stalking.. lol i know i am probably included in the 8th grade bitchy girls and i just want to apologize if that was me and say happy birthday for 13 and 19! i read all of your blog entries and believe it is safe to say that obviously you have moved on from the girls and friends of our past.. which is something to be thankful for, the group of friends we involved ourselves in (or tried haha) completely tore us and each other down.. i don't even understand why we called each other friends, while that group brought out the worst in all of us.. i feel like looking back now you and i completely changed our true selves in order to please them or something which is total bullshit.. i am so glad we both got out when we did and around senior year became really good friends.. i can't even explain to you what you did for me during the dark period with TITR, you are truly an amazing friend. i hope this sort of makes up for me forgetting your birthday, i'm so sorry.. i have no facebook or phone, i am so disconnected.. i am going to keep reading your blog to stay connected to you, and i am thing i might start my own.. i do not know.. i should have probably sent this message privately, but oh well!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY (like 3 days late, because i suck)

    love you forever girl,
    noelle :))))))

    this is too long for me to go back a proof read, so i am sorry if there are mistakes lol

  3. Noelle, I love you so so much!!

    This comment just meant so much to me! I feel like you and I went through that together, but at the same time never really talked about it so it wasn't really 'together.' (If that makes sense). Baaah I was having such a bad night and I'm so glad I came to my blog to see your comment!! I'm really thankful for TITR and those times too :) I really miss you guys, especially you! Hopefully, when you're in town, we can find time to hang out! I know I haven't made much of an effort, and I would love to explain myself in person sometime, so I truly do hope we can get together for that, and to just hang out again!!

    This more than makes up for it. Thank you :)

    Love you forever as well!
