Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My life feels so cluttered and out of control right now!!

Before I get into that, my birthday was absolutely amazing! I can't even begin to explain how happy I was that day. I was surrounded by wonderful people, both family and friends, and even though I didn't have a party or anything too birthday-like, I had so much fun!

Highlight: 10 PM run around Clark/The MET with Rae, the Michaels, Austin, Stephen, and Jordan. (Also, seeing Robby, Ry T., and Ryan afterward of course :) ).

Lowlight: My birthday present from the world (because I'm not quite sure if mother nature is in charge of sicknesses?) was getting sick. Bleh. The worst part? I'm getting more sick as every day passes!! So frustrating. It wasn't too bad until I went to SLO this weekend. Now I'm back, and miserable. It is my fault, though, because I'm too stubborn to get any rest. But still, awful timing!! :(

So now my life full of clutter...

1. Sick
2. Fraud... For the second time
3. My room is a mess
4. Going to Disneyland this weekend
5. Not getting many hours at work, yet still feeling like I'm working too much
6. My TiVO is full!! (Okay, not a big deal, but if you have ever had a full TiVO, you know how I feel)
7. Unbelievably large amounts of dirty laundry
8. No 'me' time lately (I need lots of quiet time)

To be honest, typing it all out probably isn't doing it justice to how crazy my head feels.

Some of these are very small, but they all seem to tie into each other in some way.

Fraud+Account frozen+No money+Disneyland this weekend+Lack of hours becoming a bad thing= STRESS

Sick+Laundry piling up+Not being able to clean room+Full TiVO+No quiet time=CLUTTER

I feel like this will pass when my cold does, but I can't help but stress about the craziness I call my life.

Tayler. Stop, and breathe. One thing at a time.

First up, GET BETTER!!

(Maybe get rid of this fraud crap in the process)

*Side note: I like working the amount of hours I work a week. It's caused me to have more time for things, but with me being sick, it just doesn't seem like that at the moment.

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