Saturday, June 12, 2010

7 Days!

Yesterday, I got a tetanus shot... My arm is very sore.

It did kind of hit me, though, that this time next week I WILL BE IN MEXICO!! Oh my goodness, I can't even begin to explain how excited I am! Not only will I be serving the Lord and growing closer in my walk with God, but I will be experiencing all of this with some of my best friends! It's going to be so amazing! I cannot wait! I am nervous for the trip, only because I'm afraid of many things, and those fears will be put to the test. Also, I know how exhausting, and trying it will be. However, I know that I have God on my side, and He'll keep me safe.

I need to start getting in the mindset for this trip, and of course packing! Ahhh so much to do!


1 comment:

  1. You'll be fine, if the Lord wills. The only fear you should have is the fear of God :).

    Have fun!
