Friday, April 8, 2011

The Gospel is Simple.

The more I learn about Christianity, God, and even the world, the more I see that everything goes back to the cross.

I love the Gospel. It's just so simple, and amazing. I feel like the simplicity is often forgotten.

Jesus died for us so that we could have eternal life, even as the sinful people that we are. Jesus' blood covers our sin.

He did the suffering for us.

That took some time to soak in. Once it did, it hit me... THAT'S IT! That's the Gospel. There is no "grace and..." It has nothing to do with what I give in return. God isn't asking for a payment from me, because Christ paid it for me.

"It is by grace you are saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so that no one can boast."
-Ephesians 2:8-9

I feel like I often times get so wrapped up in trying to do good deeds, that I forget about that.

Once we have faith in God's gift of grace to us, the Spirit will become a part of us and we'll produce good "fruit" (or works). We won't do these things in hope of being saved, but we do these things to give glory to the God that already saved us through Jesus.

We aren't trying to prove ourselves, we're saying,
"Look God, I owe you everything. You may not be asking for much, but please, take it all."

The Gospel is simple, and important to remember it as exactly that. We unknowingly add to it as if His grace isn't enough, but it is! My sin is covered, as long as I have faith in Jesus and the works He did for me.

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