Saturday, April 20, 2013


Happy Weekend!! And yes, yes it IS a happy weekend because I have it off.  This means jammers all day, and partying (err sleeping) all night!  I mean, don't be too incredibly jealous because I have an un-Godly amount of homework to do over the next few weeks, but I'm in the home stretch and tomorrow I get to see a dear project friend!!

When I went to start journaling this morning I just kept thinking about things I'm grateful for.  There's a blog I follow who does a similar thing every week so I must have had it on the brain.  I finally decided to start writing them down, and then decided I would share them on here as well...

So here's to gratitude!

For slow Saturday mornings who's only requirements are coffee and Jesus.

For a man who pursues me, and loves me the way my heart loves.

For random kitties who make my heart want to burst with love

For a week of thunderstorms that get this California girl's heart pumping.

For a roommate who shares her computer charger with me every time mine bites the dust.

For dreaming big and knowing Who's in control.

For a God who knows what He's doing, and is never shaken by my doubt.

What are you grateful for?

Sidenote: When did it become April 20th? It's almost MAY! I have been looking forward to the month of May for I don't even know how long.  My best friend in the entire world is getting married to her best friend, my sister graduates high school, my first full-time-student-while-working-full-time semester ends, my sweet boyfriend's birthday, parent's anniversary, I get to go to California TWICE, two of my roommates head to Greece, the list goes on... Cannot WAIT! Let's just hope the weather gets warm and stays that way this time ;)

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