Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Craziness of It All

Okay, no joke, my life has never been at a more stressful, or crazy point than it currently is.

Quick little run-down (mostly for my benefit so I can remember everything):

1. GREECE! I realized this hasn't been posted on my blog, even though it's all over Facebook, but I'm going to Greece in May for a 6-week mission trip! I am absolutely stoked beyond words, but boy is it a stressful time. Trying to get out support letters, fill out paperwork, stay on top of everything, do my "homework assignments" for the trip, find flights to and from Chicago, and prepare is hard to do on top of...

2. Work! Still waking up at 3am 4 days a week, and 4:30am 1 day a week. Working mornings is a surreal thing because it takes away your mornings and your nights because you have to go to sleep early and can't work on things late into the night.

3. School! Luckily I'm only in 7 units, but geeze is it a lot. Good news though: If everything goes as planned, I'll have my A.A. in Social Studies May of 2013 and will finally be back at Fresno State the following fall!!!

4. Intern/Church! I'm committed to making it a bigger priority in my life and trying to grow, so while I'm meeting with L.J. on Mondays and devoting Tuesdays completely (minus work in the AM) to doing church work, I'm trying to teach more, and I'm planning another Famine! (yay!)

5. New job! I picked up a second job as a cheer coach and trying to get all of the paperwork done, while trying to find time in my compacted schedule is proving to be very tough work. And the fact that clinics/try-outs are coming up soon is scaaaary!

Oh, and I have a messed up disk in my back so that's always fun to add into the mix ;)

So life's pretty crazy, and I find myself constantly feeling like I'm dropping the ball in one aspect in my life or another. It is coming to an end though, because I'm making HUUUUGE life changes right before I leave for Greece, and will thankfully be given a lot more time/energy. (Can't really go into much detail yet, but eventually I will :) )

So here I sit... Finally a day off to recover from the week that caused about 5 nervous breakdowns, and prepare for the next week in hope that the breakdown number will decrease. I hope this doesn't all come off as complaining or idiotic (okay, maybe it is :) ), because I am completely aware that I have too much on my plate, but after lots of prayer and counsel, I know that this is just something I have to endure through until May when big changes are made because it's going to be oh so worth it.

Though it's been a struggle, I'm constantly praying for God to fill me up and help me through. So if you are reading this and don't mind praying that He fill me up with His strength and courage I could really use it!

1 comment:

  1. Tayler it sounds like so many exciting and hectic things are going on! I hope you find the time to enjoy everything exciting going on. Sometimes it's hard to just say "no" to some things. Even if it is a lifeless stack of :) I will be praying for you! And I am excited to hear about these big life changes!
