Tuesday, October 18, 2011

God's Timing

Anything worth having that I've ever been blessed with has happened when I finally surrendered and let God take over.

I naturally like having control, but anytime I try to do that, God steps in and says "nope, not yet." I imagine Him saying something like, "Patience, young one." I'm not sure why I picture that, but I just do.

Anyway, I look at my life. I look at everything God has granted me, and I realize,

WOW, NONE of this was my doing.

It's very humbling to think about it that way. Believe me, nothing causes you to put pride aside more than realizing you had no part in achieving the things that make you happy... And that's a GOOD thing!

I realize how much more grateful I need to be. (Phew have I had some enlightenments about gratitude recently.. That'll be it's own post)

Not only grateful, but JOYFUL! I need to ENJOY these blessings! I catch myself legitimately stressing out over if I'm glorifying God enough. Hello, does anyone else smell the irony of that sentence? I'm STRESSING (which boils down to worry.. Phil 4:6) about GLORIFYING GOD! How dare I do such a thing! Seriously, me stressing about it is what's causing me to NOT glorify Him. I'm not being obedient and letting Him have control.

I need to constantly remind myself about this. Maybe I should hang notes on my door, car, etc so it's blatantly in-my-face and I can't forget it.

God's in control. Enjoy what He's blessed you with. That, in and of itself, is glorifying to Him.

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