Friday, March 4, 2011

LDS Conversations. (Pt. 1)

This desire to evangelize has been rapidly growing inside of me lately, and I've found that the Mormon church has found a nice little spot in my heart :) So I've been trying to prepare myself for conversations, and future Utah trips I'm going on, and after going to Mormon Ward (church) with Stephen on Sunday I set up a meeting with a couple of missionaries.

Yesterday was that meeting. It was my first conversation with members of the LDS church, and I was pleasantly surprised when Marco (whom is a member I met on Sunday) was there along with Sister Philips (I didn't meet her on Sunday, but they brought her along so I wouldn't worry about being the only girl. She's so sweet, and I was glad she was there), as well as the two missionaries I got to know on Sunday were all there. They were as welcoming as they were on Sunday, and I didn't feel awkward at all, even with the fact that I went there BY MYSELF, without Stephen leading the way.

Sidenote: There's just something about those people that I just can't get enough of! I'm usually pretty socially awkward in certain situations, but I'm normal around them. Possibly even more outgoing! I treat them as if they've been my friends for years. I joke, I ask questions about their life, etc. The small group I encountered this past week has been collectively one of the nicest groups of people I've ever met, and I just love them so much! Anyway, back to the story, I just wanted to share how much I enjoy these people :)

I knew that it wasn't going to be this huge breakthrough conversation, heck I somewhat even expected a few tears, but I didn't expect that halfway through the conversation I would think, "Ughhhh can I just leave already?" (I had already been awake for over 30 hours, so I'm sure that didn't help, but I'm not going to blame it on my own personal decisions). I just felt somewhat cornered. No doubt, I asked for it, but it didn't suck any less.

My point of this isn't to cut myself down, or dedicate an entire blog post about how awful I did.. I just wanted to share how encouraged it made me feel. It probably sounds weird, but in a way, it really did hype me up.

This talk helped me realize that I have to put so much more time and effort into this! Honestly, I still don't even understand half of the whole idea of Mormonism, (which I guarantee was extremely evident yesterday) so how can I expect to successfully "plant stones" without more studying?

I've been dreading the idea of the "first conversation." And although I didn't exactly leave too proud of myself, I am aware of new areas to strengthen, and know more of what to expect. I'm excited to see what God brings me in future conversations!

"Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it"
-1 Peter 3:15

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