Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finding Joy

Yesterday was a bad day. I was very sick, and not really myself. All I could think was "Can January come any quicker???"

I don't WANT to think that for the rest of the time that I'm here.
I haven't even heard back from Biola yet, which makes that thought all the more miserable because if I don't get accepted, January will come and go like every other month.

So I decided that today, even if something big doesn't happen, I'm going to find joy in the little things I often look passed.

It's not even noon yet, and I've already felt blessed joy in so many different things. So much so that I don't even want to wait on this blog. I felt as if I must post it now.

Today, I love... (not in any particular order)

Hot tea with honey and cream (it's become a new daily ritual), new music, good health, The Smiths, the weather, my best friend being in town, water, my house (I'm really going to miss it when my family moves), my hair (it looks surprisingly decent for putting it up while it was still wet), the ability to write/type out my thoughts, Jesus, Stephen Morales for the awesome opportunities he continues to throw my way, Biola, being able to hang out with my friends tomorrow night, my best friends making their dream come true by going on tour, laundry, my parents, this day.

I hope to expand this throughout the day, but probably won't post it.

I'm trying to remember that some of the best parts of the day are often missed because I'm so focused on something bigger and better to happen. I should rejoice in what I have now, because that's more than enough.

January will get here when it's supposed to.

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