Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Better Fit?

I'm sure this comes as no surprise, but I've been doing a lot of thinking, lately.. About school.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I just don't fit in at a normal college. I don't do anything that a normal college student does. In fact, I never have. When I think about transferring to schools that I used to think about transferring to (UCLA), I get really nervous because I just can't see myself enjoying it.

So this made me think, okay, well I'll just go to a private Christian college.

That would be AMAZING. I would love to focus on biblical studies. Maybe not major in it, but minor, if I can, or at least take the classes the school requires. At this point, I want my education to correspond with my religious beliefs.

I start thinking about schools... Fresno Pacific was my first choice because, well, it's in Fresno, and it would be the easy route. A few problems though, including the fact that it's the EASY choice, and it just doesn't seem to fit with me.

Where else? APU, Point Loma, Cal Baptist, Biola...


Might as well be called "Perfect for Tayler University"

Seriously, though.

1. The doctrine better fits me.
2. They take transfers with ANY amount of units. (I have 23)
3. Bib studies is a required minor
4. Chapel 3 times a week (minimum)
5. Conservative
6. Great financial aid
7. Contract requiring NO use of alcohol or drugs.
8. Great missionary programs.
9. Heck, great programs in general!
10. Evangelism is important
11. All of the classes use Christianity and/or Christian authors for text.
The list goes on..

I mean, I get excited just thinking about it! Obviously, I'm going to pray, and make sure it's a step in the right direction, but I'm thinking that after I go talk to a Fresno State advisor I'll do the "early action" application deadline for Fall '11. I'll find out in January if they've accepted me, and I'll go from there! I'll probably have to take the Spring '11 semester off, but I'll do summer school to catch up.

I know I make a lot of "plans" and don't follow through, but I'm 100% serious about this.

I really have a good feeling about this one.

1 comment:

  1. They have some GREAT peeps there. William Lane Craig, Craig Haze, JP Moreland! They are like philosophy and apologetic guys but they are good!
