Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Currently Playing: Needtobreathe (on repeat)
Current Emotion: Pure Wonderment

It's hitting me that it's been about a year of transformation. I choke up just thinking about where I was, and how far I've come over the last year.

Seriously, it's only been a YEAR? How is that possible?! It just feels like so much longer! I know I've said it before, and I'll gladly say it again: I've learned more over the last year, than I did in my entire junior high and high school careers combined.

For those who don't completely know my life story:
I used to consider myself Agnostic, because I knew there was a higher power, but I believed in science, and honestly, didn't live my life worshipping anything but this life on earth. I was always a decent person, but towards the end of high school I didn't make great decisions, and by the time I was halfway into my first semester at Fresno State, I didn't even know who I was anymore.

Around this time last year, I decided changes were needed. I slowly started giving my life to Christ. I still celebrated the commercial Christmas, but I was starting to become more aware of Him. All of a sudden, I was given a Bible for Christmas, I started attending Sunday church service and college group in January (I had already been attending youth group since November), and I developed this desire to learn everything I could about God and this thing called "Christianity."

I gave my life up to Christ completely, and was saved last winter.

Since then, I have fallen IN LOVE with Christ! I can't even imagine myself before. Life is just... different. A good different, of course, but I haven't looked at things the same since that time.

I've read, had bible studies, prayed, developed relationships with amazing people who have become both mentors and family to me, found unconditional love, LEARNED unconditional love, worshipped, changed career options, changed schools, accepted my flaws, ACCEPTED FORGIVENESS!!, been baptized, gone on two missions trips, learned patience, centered my life around Christ, gotten a job, put God first, put God second then realized what I had done and put him first again, found a favorite Bible verse, learned what a man in Christ is and how important that is, seen true beauty, become involved in church in any way possible, found a passion for Jr. High ministry, had epiphanies, matured, learned my spiritual gifts, found symbolism, cried, laughed, been angry, been confused, been happy.. Ahhh the list goes on, and on!!

With both the good and bad, it's been a wonderful year.

I even prayed out loud for the first time the other day.

All I want to do is study God and share about my life with Christ! If I could only do that for the rest of my life, I would be happy. I would die knowing that I glorified God and hopefully helped someone who was, at one point, in my shoes.

Even though I feel I've accomplished a ton as a young Christian, I'm not going to hit a stalemate. In fact, I refuse! I still have this thirst for more and a sponge-like mindset, and if anything, I'm feeling as encouraged as ever to better myself and better my relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm at a very lucky time in my life, and I constantly thank God for not letting me pass through this time unaware of the blessings I've been given.

This will be my first year where I will be focusing on CHRISTmas. It's not commercial to me anymore, but about celebrating the birth of my Savior, while spending time with my friends and family. It's a thank you for giving me the year that I've had! In growth, faithfulness, sacrifice, heartache, and everything in between.

I have a lot in store for the year 2011. I'm going to work on struggles, strengthen my walls against old ones, try my hardest to get outside of my comfort zone and create relationships with non-Christians, build my knowledge about the Bible and theology, etc. The list will continue to grow. I don't just have faith that God will help me do these things, I am confident that they will happen! God is so faithful, and as unworthy as I may be, I'll spend every day of my life growing closer to, and ultimately better understanding Him by giving glory and praise!

Happy Anniversary God!! And to many more to come! THANK YOU for bringing me to You and blessing me with this life! This year has been all because of YOU! I love You with ALL of my heart :)

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith; and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God"
-Ephesians 2:8

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me"
-Galatians 2:20

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him"
-Colossians 3:17

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just Because...

"I would rather entertain and hope people learned something, than educate and hope people were entertained."

-Walt Disney